Design date: 2012
Location: Amman- Jordan 
Category: Residential
Site Area: 640 m2
Built Up Area: 1600 m2




Apartment buildings form the most frequently repeated, reduplicated building's type in Amman- Jordan, with a huge lack in the aesthetic aspects or understanding of the architectural references, where the common practice usually combines a wide array of decorative techniques and elements taken from different periods of historical styles. which doesn't reflect a sense of place or time, nor the technologies or building skills that have been reached in the place these buildings were constructed in , and doesn't show the development that have been witnessed in the contemporary  architecture around the world or in this region.


Description: The aim of this study was to innovate and develop three different proposals in skin for the same building with minimal architectural intervention where patterns of the openings in each proposal lead to richness in variation that isn’t so mathematical, for the search of a contemporary ,non-costly solutions, adapting it to the city of Amman- Jordan.

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